We already have a Patriot Party.
It's called the Constitution Party!
Join up now - be a good example for your children!
The Third American Republic officially died on January 20, 2021, and the American Empire began on that same day, with the inauguration of Joe Biden as president. There is no doubt in our minds that the election was stolen, (as probably were every election the Dims have won in the past 40 years). The common goal of every American patriot is to resist tyranny, to resist the Empire, to resist the consolidation of power by these Marxist tyrants who have every intention of occupying and establishing a reign of political terror, not unlike their forefathers, the Jacobins of the French Revolution, and the Bolsheviks of the Russian Revolution. They pulled off the greatest heist in American history, and now they think they have won. The problem for them is that it’s not over until We, the People, say it’s over. Sadly, the Republican Party has been the Party of Compromise since World War II, never allowing a true constitutionalist candidate to be their standard-bearer, sabotaging their own when it came close. They have served well as the “loyal opposition” FOR Socialism for well over three quarters of a century
Resistance to the Empire will entail countless acts of disobedience and obstruction. We can only make a stand for lawful resistance, for the simple reason that this regime is unlawful, and we must work toward binding our State and Federal governments back down with the chains of the Constitution, along with a firm reliance upon the blessings of an Almighty Creator. Even while many of us will have political or theological differences, we must present a United Front toward our Common Goal. If our freedoms are not restored, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, then we cannot continue forever recognizing such tyranny as a legitimate government. We must first exhaust all legal remedies. (Read the Declaration – Jefferson has already said it all.)
Most people tell us that they won’t join the Constitution Party, “Because you can’t win!” And why can we not win? “Because you won’t join!”
Ballot Access in Texas is prohibitive because the Republicans agree with the Democrats – neither of them want an alternative to Socialist Party A vs. Socialist Party B. They are in collusion . But there is a way around that little problem. It is not unreasonable to assume we CAN field some candidates as INDEPENDENTS in 2022, with your help, and some them CAN win! But we cannot hope to win those elections without YOU and your active support and involvement at the county and state levels. (Even if you stay with your Socialist Party B for now, how about making a regular donation to the Constitution Party of Texas, to ensure that you and your children will have better choices in the future?)
It’s time to return to the Constitution as written and understood by the Founding Fathers. Limited federal government as our servant, with the States and the People in charge. More individual responsibility and freedom.
Contact: Daniel New, Steering Committee – 254-785-2617.